Episodes that match the tag: Short Pour

'Salem's Lot By Stephen King

January 25, 2024

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Short Pour 'Salem's Lot King Multiverse

Hey there folks! This week, we're talking about 'Salem's Lot, Stephen King's second book, and PJ's first Stephen King read. We chat extensively about this dark town, and it's dark secret, how the story has aged, and more!

Next week: Zef coming on to wrap-up Light Bringer, and then our quest through The First Law begins!

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

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Talking Assassins Anonymous with Rob Hart

October 4, 2024

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Guests: Rob Hart

Short Pour Assassins Anonymous

This week, we're very excited to welcome Rob Hart back to the show to talk about his newest novel, "Assassins Anonymous"! Although, I'd be remiss to not mention that we also talked about his very-soon-to-be-published novel "Dark Space", as well as the sequel to AA, titled "Medusa Protocol". We talked about what drew him to the genre, where he came from writing this, and where his head is at on the future of the industry. It was excellent to catch-up, and we both definitely recommend you give this one a read!

Next week, we wrap-up The First Law trilogy with Mike's Book Reviews, and have a little mini-sode talking through PJ's predictions from this series.

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