Episodes that match the tag: Mistborn Era 2

The Lost Metal - Episode 3 - Chapters 20 - 31

December 29, 2022

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Cosmere Mistborn Era 2 The Lost Metal

Hey folks! This week, we follow the raid on Bilming, the fall out after, and pay off a lot of previous predictions!

Next week, we continue our quest to find The Lost Metal, by reading chapters 32 - 43.

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

You can also check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Wordsandwhiskey Check it out!

Another way you could help us out? Refer us to your friends. We love a good referral, don't we folks?

Send us ANY questions to our twitter account, Instagram, or to our email.

See you next week!

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The Lost Metal - Episode 4 - Chapters 32 - 43 Part 1

January 5, 2023

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Mistborn Cosmere Mistborn Era 2 The Lost Metal

Hey folks! This week... we've got a massive episode... so we split it in two! Hope you enjoy our mad ramblings covering the new magic in Aethers, the Ghostbloods, the return of the survivor... and much, much more.

Next week, we continue our quest to find The Lost Metal, by reading chapters 44 - 57.

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

You can also check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Wordsandwhiskey Check it out!

Another way you could help us out? Refer us to your friends. We love a good referral, don't we folks?

Send us ANY questions to our twitter account, Instagram, or to our email.

See you next week!

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The Lost Metal - Episode 4 - Chapters 32 - 43 Part 2

January 5, 2023

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Cosmere Mistborn Era 2 The Lost Metal

Hey folks! This week... we've got a massive episode... so we split it in two! Hope you enjoy our mad ramblings covering the new magic in Aethers, the Ghostbloods, the return of the survivor... and much, much more.

Next week, we continue our quest to find The Lost Metal, by reading chapters 44 - 57.

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

You can also check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Wordsandwhiskey Check it out!

Another way you could help us out? Refer us to your friends. We love a good referral, don't we folks?

Send us ANY questions to our twitter account, Instagram, or to our email.

See you next week!

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The Lost Metal - Episode 5 - Chapters 44 - 57

January 12, 2023

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Mistborn Cosmere Mistborn Era 2 The Lost Metal

Hey folks! This week we resume with our pair of W&W and M&M as they continue on their various adventures through the streets and tunnels of Bilming. Chases! Clones! Cameras? Cults? Much much more!

Next week, we continue our quest to find The Lost Metal, by reading chapters 58 - 66.

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

You can also check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Wordsandwhiskey Check it out!

Another way you could help us out? Refer us to your friends. We love a good referral, don't we folks?

Send us ANY questions to our twitter account, Instagram, or to our email.

See you next week!

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The Lost Metal - Episode 6 - Chapters 58 - 66

January 19, 2023

Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw

Mistborn Cosmere Mistborn Era 2 The Lost Metal

Hey folks! This week... we go up the shaw, and play an Era 1 callback drinking game. Things are resolving!

Next week, we END The Lost Metal, Era 2, and our coverage of Mistborn.

Beyond that, please be sure to follow us or subscribe on your podcatcher of choice, and leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever. It goes a long way to helping the podcast grow.

You can also check out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Wordsandwhiskey Check it out!

Another way you could help us out? Refer us to your friends. We love a good referral, don't we folks?

Send us ANY questions to our twitter account, Instagram, or to our email.

See you next week!

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