The Hero of Ages - Episode 10 - Ch 66 - 75
July 28, 2022
Hosts: PJ Heller, Krossland Shaw
Mistborn Cosmere The Hero of Ages
Hey folks! This week we're with Vin... until she goes poof, and we see Elend begin to put things together... and the end of our poor Goradel.
Next week, we're reading by reading chapters 76 - The End!
That said; Make sure you check out our new T-Shirts linked below and on our website. They're great!
With Mistborn, we'll also be reading the italicized logbook entries for the next chapter, just as the audiobook does.
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See you next week!
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This episode made possible by these lovely people:
Logan Sandoval
Sean Moen
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.
Jesse Shaw
Neil Ormsby
Donna Bull
Chris Erwin
Ciri Watts
Ziva Silverman
Hannah Coskran
Tim Mulhern
Titan of Lykos
Kyle Lieberman
The Orange Armory
Amy R
Sarah Storm
Lex Miraglia
Andrew Williams
Daniel Whidden
Adam Tschupp